Wednesday 15 March 2023


Par Sophie Lagrange 

De jolies petites fioles en verre bleu, des sprays argentés, de simples boîtes en carton blanc. Et à l’intérieur, des produits de beauté à la formulation unique. C’est le concept de Swiss Toniq Geneva, une jeune start-up, créée par Fiona Nicholls et basée dans la campagne genevoise.

Fiona Nicholls est une passionnée de chevaux. Elle leur a consacré sa première vie : élevage, débourrage et compétition en saut d’obstacles. Jusqu’à une grave chute et une fracture du dos qui l’obligent à rester allongée pendant des mois.

C’était en 2017 et le début de sa deuxième vie : elle plonge dans l’étude de la botanique et la dermatologie. « J’ai une peau difficile et j’avais essayé plein de produits, y compris de grandes marques réputées, mais même les plus naturels me donnaient des rougeurs, explique-t-elle. Alors j’avais commencé à me fabriquer des produits exempts d’ingrédients chimiques. »
serumElle dissèque la composition des produits sur le marché et constate qu’ils contiennent toujours beaucoup d’eau et surtout des substances chimiques qui n’apportent rien de plus à la peau, mais sont là pour assurer texture, bonne odeur et meilleure conservation. En plus, tous les ingrédients sont raffinés.
C’est ainsi que Fiona en arrive à décider de créer et distribuer des produits de soin vraiment naturels et bio. Au coeur de son concept : utiliser uniquement des ingrédients crus (non raffinés), de très haute qualité, certifiés et non dilués. C’est plus cher et plus difficile à trouver, mais c’est son choix d’entrepreneuse. Avec l’appui d’un grand laboratoire suisse alémanique, elle élabore ses premiers produits et lance sa marque. 
Le produit phare de Swiss Toniq Geneva, c’est le Serum Advance Repair qui a d’ailleurs gagné le Best European Organic Anti-Age Serum, 2020 Health Beauty & Wellness Awards. « Quelques gouttes matin et soir, c’est tout ce qu’il faut pour hydrater, nourrir et entretenir la peau du visage », assure Fiona qui a d’ailleurs posté sur la chaîne Youtube de la marque une vidéo dans laquelle elle explique pourquoi il faudrait cesser d’utiliser des crèmes traditionnelles pour le visage. 

Swiss Toniq Geneva propose d’autres sérums pour le visage, adaptés à la peau des clientes en fonction de leur âge, des huiles pour le corps, un exfoliant, ainsi que des savons et des cubes pour le bain fabriqués selon les mêmes principes que les sérums. Une gamme qui va s’élargir prochainement, cinq produits étant en cours de développement. 

serum 2Car sur le marché si compétitif de la beauté, Swiss Toniq Geneva a vite rencontré du succès et une reconnaissance internationale (1). Et les clientes sont toujours plus nombreuses à être conquises par ces sérums à la formulation unique. « La couleur et l’odeur peuvent varier, mais c’est dû au fait que je n’utilise que des ingrédients crus », précise encore Fiona qui assure elle-même la production dans son petit laboratoire où se mêlent les parfums d’huiles essentielles. Pour répondre à l’augmentation des demandes, elle a récemment engagé une petite équipe qui l’aide dans la gestion du site internet, des commandes et des envois.

Wednesday 1 March 2023

24 Hour Hydrating Face Serum | Intense Hydration For Dry Skin

Introducing Swiss Toniq’s 24 Hour Hydration Pro Face Serum. An organic and botanic blend of natural raw and concentrated ingredients to intensely hydrate and soothe dry skin conditions. A wonderful way to improve the look and feel of dry and irritated skin, this healing and hydrating face serum is part of our online collection of organic and vegan everyday skincare products. So, let’s take a look at why our customers have fallen in love with this product and how it can help you.


We are the only brand to provide an entire undiluted line of skincare products and cosmetics, all carefully crafted with 100% raw and organic ingredients. Unlike many of our competitors, we choose to only use raw, undiluted and organic ingredients, rather than dilute our skincare products with water or other bulking agents. We chose to create highly concentrated face serums and skincare products that will help our customers achieves their skincare goals. Whether you’re new to skincare, or you follow a 5 step skincare routine, by investing in our line of skincare products you are paying for pure, high-quality ingredients you can trust. In fact, each product may be slightly different in colour since our ingredients are raw and active. So enjoy the plumping effect of our hydrating face serum and achieve a youthful glow from dusk till dawn.

All our ingredients are also 100% organic, vegan, unbleached, uncooked and active, making us truly unique as a brand and business. Our all-day hydrating face serum contains one magic active, Triomoist KMF, a highly effective moisturizing system which supports the three elements of your skin’s own moisture balance system. Firm forming polysaccharides to protect the skin, lamellar lipids to boost the natural moisture barrier and humectants to give you an instant burst of hydration. Swiss Toniq has also added carnosine to combat fine lines and wrinkles. This particular natural ingredient works by stopping the glycation of skin proteins, which can cause premature aging. 

Cruelty-free, with zero chemicals and no plastic packaging in sight, be kind to your skin and soothe dry skin conditions with a blend of mother nature’s most treasured organic ingredients.

24 Hour Hydrating Face Serum


If you’re searching for a hydrating skincare product that will give you a smooth, dewy glow, our 24 Hour Hydration Pro Face Serum will be a great addition to your skincare routine. Designed to rebuild skin elasticity, strengthen the skin’s own moisture barrier and provide long-lasting hydration, this powerful face serum should be applied in the morning and night. Suitable for dry to very dry skin types, apply a thin layer over your face and neck, gently using your fingers to pat it into the skin for hydration that you can count on. Whether you’re concerned about deep-set wrinkles, crows feet, laughter lines or premature ageing, care for your skin with our daily hydrating face serum.

24 Hour Hydrating Serum


There are many environmental factors that can dry out your skin and leave you with a flaky, dry and dull complexion. Unfortunately, each season can bring its’ own skincare problems. During the summer, you need to protect your skin from UV damage, that can cause premature ageing and deep-set wrinkles as well as the risk of skin cancer. Winter, on the other hand, can lead to dry skin, as we rely on central heating to keep cosy during the colder months of the year. While humidity is linked to excess oil, acne and breakouts, a dry environment can also play havoc with your skin and damage your self-confidence.

Itchy, flaky and dry skin is common during winter but your lifestyle and career choice can also be detrimental to your skin’s health. Flight attendants and pilots often suffer from dry skin conditions, after long periods of time in the air and greater levels of UV radiation exposure. If you work in an office, the air conditioning during the summer and heating throughout winter can quickly dry out and damage your skin. This also applies to medical professionals working long hours in hospitals and medical facilities, and especially as PPE is now worn to shield people against’ Covid-19. Although, some people are just more prone to dry skin conditions than others. So whether it’s the heating, your career or your complexion and individual skin type causing your skin to appear dry and irritated, the good news is that you can treat this common skincare problem with a high-quality, organic hydrating face serum. 

So, if you’re suffering from dry skin, say no to a dull and damaged complexion and invest in yourself with Swiss Toniq’s 24 Hour Hydration Pro Face Serum.

For Skincare Tips and Advice

↪️Follow Me at: Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Pinterest 🤗

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Soothe Your Skin: A Guide to Treating Rosacea with Organic Products

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes facial redness, flushing, and pimple-like bumps or pustules. It typically affects the face, particularly the cheeks, nose, chin, and forehead, and can sometimes spread to the neck, chest, and ears. The exact cause of rosacea is not yet known, but it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors, including sun exposure, stress, alcohol consumption, and certain foods.

Rosacea is most commonly diagnosed in fair-skinned individuals between the ages of 30 and 50, and it affects women more often than men. There is no cure for rosacea, but the condition can be managed with lifestyle changes, medications, and skincare products that are gentle and non-irritating.

If you're one of the millions of people who suffer from rosacea, you know how frustrating it can be to deal with red, irritated skin. But what if we told you that you can help soothe your skin using clean, organic products?

Here are a few ways to treat rosacea using clean, organic products:

Finding the right skincare products for rosacea can be a challenge. One effective solution is to use skincare products that contain natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Unleash Your Skin's Glow: Say Goodbye to Rosacea with the Magic of Turmeric, Tea Tree, Bergamot Cream Soap, Pure Rosehip Oil, and Sunscreen.

Soothe Rosacea-Prone Skin with the Power of Turmeric, Tea Tree, and Bergamot Cream Soap

Turmeric, Tea Tree, and Bergamot Cream Soap

Turmeric has long been used in traditional medicine for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. When applied topically, turmeric can help soothe irritated skin and reduce redness. Tea tree oil is another powerful ingredient, known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce the symptoms of rosacea by reducing inflammation and improving skin health.

Bergamot is a citrus fruit that is often used in skincare products for its calming and soothing properties. When combined with turmeric and tea tree, bergamot helps to balance and rejuvenate your skin, leaving it feeling refreshed and glowing.

By using turmeric, tea tree, and bergamot cream soap, you can help soothe and heal your rosacea-prone skin. Its gentle and effective formula will cleanse your skin without stripping it of its natural oils, leaving you with a healthier, more beautiful complexion.

So why wait? Give Turmeric, Tea Tree, and Bergamot Cream Soap a try and see the difference for yourself!

Nourish Your Rosacea-Prone Skin with the Magic of Pure Rosehip Oil

Pure Organic Rosehip Oil

Rosehip oil is an excellent choice for those looking for a natural solution to manage rosacea. The oil is derived from the seeds of rose bushes and is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, making it a highly nourishing and rejuvenating skincare ingredient. Here are some ways that pure rosehip oil can help with rosacea:

Anti-inflammatory: Rosehip oil contains high levels of essential fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it an excellent choice for reducing redness, swelling, and other symptoms associated with rosacea.

Hydrates skin: Rosehip oil is a light and non-greasy oil that absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving it hydrated and nourished. By keeping skin hydrated, rosehip oil can help to reduce itching and irritation associated with rosacea.

Antioxidant-rich: Rosehip oil is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C and beta-carotene, that help to protect the skin from damage caused by environmental stressors. This can help to prevent further irritation and flare-ups of rosacea.

Promotes skin healing: Rosehip oil has been shown to promote skin healing, making it a great option for those with rosacea who are looking to improve the overall health of their skin.

It's important to note that while Pure Rosehip Oil can be highly beneficial for rosacea-prone skin, incorporating pure rosehip oil into your skincare routine can provide numerous benefits for those with rosacea-prone skin. The oil's high concentration of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin A helps to soothe and calm irritated skin, reduce inflammation, and improve the overall health and appearance of the skin. When selecting a rosehip oil, look for a product that is pure, cold-pressed, and organic to ensure maximum benefits and minimal risk of skin irritation. With regular use, pure rosehip oil can help you achieve a brighter, clearer, and more radiant complexion, making it an excellent addition to any rosacea skincare routine.

Defend Your Rosacea-Prone Skin with the Right Sunscreen

Cellular Sun Defence Body 30SPF Natural Sunscreen

The sun's harmful UV rays can trigger rosacea flare-ups and make your skin feel uncomfortable, which is why sunscreen is an essential part of your daily skincare routine. Use a sunscreen that is formulated with organic, non-toxic ingredients and has a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher. Its broad-spectrum SPF 30 protects your skin from harmful UV rays, while the organic ingredients hydrate and nourish your skin. Here's how natural sunscreen can help with rosacea:

Prevents sunburn: Sunburn can worsen the redness and inflammation associated with rosacea, so using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF can help to prevent sunburn and protect your skin from further damage.

Prevents flare-ups: Regular use of broad-spectrum sunscreen can help to prevent rosacea flare-ups and keep your skin looking healthy and calm.

Provides overall skin protection: Sunscreen can help to protect your skin from damage caused by UV rays, as well as other environmental stressors such as wind and cold. This can help to prevent further irritation and improve the overall health of your skin.

Protect your skin and protect marine life

Many sunscreens are not risk free as we believe and contain toxic UV filters suspected of destroying corals and marine life as well as disrupting endocrine levels in women and children and potentially causing cancer. Natural Organic sunscreen should not contain any harmful products and is respectful of the entire planet.

All ingredients should be organic, vegan, unbleached, uncooked and active

  • Zero chemicals
  • Zero nanoparticles
  • Cruelty-free and vegan
  • No plastic packaging

When choosing a sunscreen for rosacea-prone skin, look for a product that is gentle, and non-comedogenic, as these ingredients and formulas are less likely to irritate your skin. It's also important to reapply Cellular Sun Defence Sunscreen regularly throughout the day, especially if you are spending a lot of time outdoors. By incorporating sunscreen into your daily skincare routine, you can help to protect your skin from sun damage and keep your rosacea under control.

In conclusion, it is essential to take a holistic approach when managing rosacea. That can be effectively managed with a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and gentle organic skincare products, such as those containing turmeric, tea tree, and bergamot, which can help soothe irritated skin and reduce inflammation. Using pure rosehip oil can provide additional nourishment to the skin, while incorporating a daily sunscreen routine can protect the skin from further damage and reduce the risk of flare-ups caused by sun exposure. By following these steps, individuals with rosacea can achieve a brighter, clearer, and more radiant complexion.

For Skincare Tips and Advice

↪️Follow Me at: Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Pinterest 🤗

#OrganicSkincare #SkincareRoutine

Tuesday 20 December 2022

5 Things That Happen To Your Skin When You’re Stressed Out

Breakouts, skin irritation and redness can be a nightmare to deal with. They always seem to happen right before a big event or special occasion right! Well, these common skincare concerns might be down to your lifestyle and stress levels rather than your skincare routine.

Hormonal imbalances and being stressed out can significantly impact the look and feel of your skin. So, if you’re stressed out at work, going through a difficult or emotional time in your life, unfortunately, it’s going to show on your skin. But, there are ways to combat these skin issues!

First here are 5 things that happen to your skin when you’re stressed out!


Many people reach for convenience food high in salt, sugar or fat when they’re stressed out. While this is very common, it’s important to try and fight this urge. Binge eating and indulging in comfort food a little too much, can ruin your skin and lead to breakouts. The more dairy-rich and sugary snacks you eat, the more likely your skin will breakout and acne will begin to form. As if you weren’t stressed out enough!

Try to resist the urge to eat fast food and sugary snacks and if you can’t help yourself, try to switch your sugar cravings for sweet fruit such as pineapple, mangos and berries. Use a natural sugar like honey drizzled over yoghurt and fruit to curb your sugary comfort food cravings. Remember to hydrate and nourish your skin from the inside out with plenty of water and fresh food. Your skin will thank you for it later!


Being stressed out can also lead to a common skin problem known as picking. This is when you start to obsess over your skin and start picking or popping pimples. This compulsive behaviour is often triggered by anxiety and the feeling of being out of control. You might even experience skin irritation or itchy skin, and start touching your skin more than usual. The problem is, over-touching your skin will lead to bacteria build-up and, you guessed it, breakouts and acne.

To keep your hands busy while stressed out, invest in a distraction such as a Rubix Cube or stress ball or fidget spinner. Wash your hands often to remove as much bacteria from them during the day. Make sure to cleanse your skin morning and night to prevent breakouts too.


Unfortunately, stress eating, touching your face and being stressed out will inevitably lead to breakouts and hormonal acne. When you’re stressed out, your cortisol levels will spike and this means your oil glands will go into overdrive. As you may already know, excess oil means a much higher chance of a breakout. Now add more face picking and stress eating into the equation and you’re not going to be happy the next time you catch a glimpse of your skin in the mirror.

While your first instinct will be to conceal your imperfections, you must not cover up with layers of make-up. Instead, it’s time to address your stress levels head-on and consider changing your daily routine to minimise stress. Take a long warm bubble bath, drink herbal tea and nourish your body with a colourful salad. You can also use Swiss Toniq’s Genuine Dead Sea Mud Mask, which has been proven to have an antimicrobial effect on strains of bacteria that live on the skin. This natural skin care treatment will minimise breakouts and remove excess oil.


While many people experience oily skin during a stressful time in their lives, some people notice dry and flaky skin when they’re stressed out. This is again down to your cortisol levels. When the fight or flight response is triggered, your vital organs are pumped with blood so that you can fight or run away from danger. However, these days the danger might be a stressful day at work, and there is no need for us to attack or retreat. Unfortunately, our body hasn’t caught up to this change and so you may have to fight dull and dehydrated skin instead.

If you suffer from dry, dull or dehydrated skin when you’re stressed out, pamper yourself with Swiss Toniq’s 24 Hour Hydration Pro Face Serum.


Do you have red, itchy and irritated skin? You’re probably stressed out. Blushing red can be your natural response to a surge in hormones and unfortunately, this can cause acne, eczema and rosacea. Prolonged redness can be very frustrating especially if you prefer to go make-up free on a daily basis.

Before you layer on the foundation, use Advanced Repair Serum to neutralise skin redness and blur out any imperfections. Advanced Repair Serum has also been proven to fade and remove dark circles on your skin permanently. It's always best practice to wait before the serum dries before applying foundation.

Wednesday 7 December 2022

Master A Morning Skincare Routine with Swiss Toniq

 Morning Skincare Routine

Morning Skincare Routine

Your morning skincare routine doesn’t need to be complicated. A simple daily skincare routine using organic and highly concentrated products will support and nurture your skin. Saving you time and money, in this article, we reveal why a multiple-step skincare routine using toner, multiple serums, rich moisturisers and eye cream really isn’t necessary to achieve healthy, glowing skin.

All you need is a couple of natural, organic and undiluted skincare products to practice self-care and enhance your natural beauty. So whether you’re a busy mum with little time on her hands in the morning, or you’re just growing tired of your long and complicated skincare routine, Swiss Toniq is here to help!

Spend more time enjoying your morning coffee and making yourself a nutritious breakfast, without neglecting your skin by choosing a minimalist highly concentrated 3-step skincare routine.


Going simple can do wonders for your skin. Choosing your skincare products carefully by investing time into finding products that are 100% organic, raw and highly concentrated will save you a considerable amount of time in the long run. Plus, switching to all-natural products means you’ll be simplifying your morning routine, protecting your body from absorbing chemicals into the bloodstream, as well as protecting the planet! Cosmetics and skincare that don’t use chemicals, bleach or bulking agents are best for your skin and the environment. That’s why Swiss Toniq is on a mission to revolutionise the skincare industry and transform your morning.

So, let’s take a look at 3 Swiss Toniq skincare products that you can use for an all-in-one simple morning skincare routine that actually works!

Charcoal & Dead Sea Mineral Detox Soap
Charcoal & Dead Sea Mineral Detox Soap

1: Morning Skincare Routine- Start with Charcoal & Dead Sea Mineral Detox Soap

To cleanse and remove any traces of makeup, start your morning skincare routine with Swiss Toniq’s charcoal and Dead Sea mineral detox soap. Either use to cleanse your face in the morning with warm water, or in the shower to remove impurities without drying out your skin. This is perfect if you suffer from breakouts and can be used on your face and body.

Skincare benefits:

  • Minimise pores
  • Removes makeup without drying out your skin
  • Removes excess oil and impurities
  • Helps to treat acne and prevent breakouts
  • Soothes eczema and Psoriasis

How to use: 

Lather the Swiss Toniq detox soap by rubbing it under warm running water. Massage across your skin and allow it to cleanse before rinsing your face with warm water. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft, clean towel.

Advanced Repair Face Serum
Advanced Repair Face Serum

2: Advanced Repair Face Serum (Anti-age under 55)

Winner of Best European Organic Anti-age Serum 2020, replace your toner, multiple serums, eye cream and even daily moisturiser with this all-in-one concentrated serum. Once your skin is clean and free from any traces of cosmetics, you can apply this anti-ageing organic serum to your skin for all-day hydration.

Skincare benefits:

  • Reduces wrinkle depth in 30 minutes
  • Promotes the natural production of collagen
  • Provides an immediate lifting and tightening effect
  • Helps protect the skin against UV rays and pollution
  • Gives complexion a youthful look
  • Intense hydration all-day
  • Suitable for all skin types

How to use it:

Shake well before use. On clean dry skin, gently apply a thin layer over your face and neck in the morning, and then gently pat the skin to allow the serum to penetrate deeply. If using make-up, apply only a very thin layer of serum to your face and neck then wait for 5 to 10 minutes before applying make-up. Repeat at night for best results.

If you’re over 55 or have very dry skin, choose our Time Response Face Serum.

Moisturising Facial Polish Exfoliant
Moisturising Facial Polish Exfoliant

3: Skin Moisturising Facial Polish Exfoliant

You can add a third step to your morning skincare routine, once or twice a week by using Swiss Toniq’s moisturising facial polish exfoliant. This powerful facial polish has been specially designed for dry, damaged and tired-looking skin that’s in need of some TLC. Pamper your skin once or twice a week and buff away dead skin to reveal a more youthful glow and smooth and radiant skin.

Skincare benefits:

  • Unblocks pores and prevents breakouts
  • Gently removes dead skin
  • Creates a radiant, youthful glow
  • Hydrating

How to use it: Only use this product once or twice a week. First, clean your skin using Swiss Toniq’s detoxifying Charcoal and Dead Sea Mineral soap and then apply a small amount of this product to wet skin. Massage in circular motions for several minutes, being very careful around the delicate eye area. Rinse the grains away with warm water, leaving the oils to penetrate, then gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Finish your simple morning skincare routine by applying the Swiss Toniq Advanced Repair Face Serum.

To get our latest offer, perfect skincare routine and skincare tips please visit our Google Profile.


Par Sophie Lagrange  De jolies petites fioles en verre bleu, des sprays argentés, de simples boîtes en carton blanc. Et à l’intérieur, des p...